Sun Salutation Steps

Plant your palms and step or jump back to a plank position.
Sun salutation steps. Stand in tadasana mountain pose with your palms pressed together in anjali mudra salutation seal. Lie flat on the ground on your yoga mat. Focus for a few minutes on the inner sun at your heart which is the equivalent of the outer sun at the heart of our solar system. Turn your head to the left side.
Sun salutation illustrated step by step instructions uttanasana to flat back. Lengthen your spine open up your chest and bring your hands folded at the center of your chest. Stand straight at the edge of the mat with your feet joined together or shoulder width apart. Release your arms to either side and forward bend over your legs as if you were doing a swan.
Focus for a few minutes on the inner sun at your heart which is the microcosmic equivalent of the outer sun at the heart of our solar system. Inhale arms back overhead and exhale hands to heart. As the first pose of sun salutation pranamasana is a welcoming pose that helps to find a firm grip on the ground while bringing focus to your breath. Step right foot forward to crescent lunge then bring left foot to meet right in standing forward bend.
In plank make sure your shoulders are over your. Align your knee over your ankle.