Mesothelioma Causes Other Than Asbestos

While scientists are still trying to determine other causes of mesothelioma than asbestos current suspicions include erionite exposure polyomavirus sv40 and potential genetic causes.
Mesothelioma causes other than asbestos. Most malignant mesothelioma with an identified cause occurs because of exposure to asbestos. There are also additional factors that may play a role in the development of mesothelioma. Most victims are men who worked in industries with regular high levels of asbestos exposure. Other than asbestos there are a few other things that are believed to cause mesothelioma cancer.
Research continues to identify possible causative factors for mesothelioma. Mesothelioma originates most often in the lining. In mesothelioma the only known triggering cause of cellular mutations is asbestos a cancer causing mineral widely used during the 20th century. Erionite radiation therapy simian virus 40.
When these fibers are ingested the result can be peritoneal mesothelioma. How often mesothelioma is diagnosed. Mesothelioma happens after microscopic fibers found in asbestos are inhaled which causes pleural mesothelioma. Mesothelioma causes mesothelioma and other forms of cancer occur when existing cells within the body undergo genetic mutations causing them to grow and divide at abnormal rates.
Mesothelioma survive more than 12. Exposure to asbestos can result in a form of cancer called mesothelioma that causes shortness of breath chest pain cough and of which there is no cure. Can mesothelioma be caused by something other than asbestos. Your body cannot expel these fibers so tumors may form around them.
First there are other minerals similar to asbestos known as zeolites that can cause this type of cancer. The most common is erionite.